Project Management#
When creating projects, the auto training option is enabled by default. However, you can disable this option by clicking on this icon from the header of the screen in each project panel or the annotator screen.
Home Page#
After logging into the Intel® Geti™ platform, you will land on the Home screen. You will see a list of the projects that belong to your Default Workspace. If you have not created any projects yet, the list will be empty and you will be prompted to create your very first project.
If there is one or more projects on the list, you can manage them with the following options:
will help you look for a desired project by its name.
will help you sort the list either by creation date: Newest to Oldest, Oldest to Newest or by name: A to Z, Z to A.
Delete will help you remove a project from the list. You will access it by clicking on the More Options icon
next to the project’s name.
In the Header you can click the Intel® Geti™ logo which takes you to the home screen. Apart from that, you will find the following functionality:
Install app
to install Progressive Web Application (PWA) on your computer.
Auto training
enables or disables auto training.
presents the progress of all jobs on the platform. They fall into 4 categories:
Running jobs which have started and are still being processed.
Finished jobs which have been successfully completed.
Scheduled jobs which await resources to start training.
Cancelled jobs which were aborted by a user.
Failed jobs which could not finish successfully. You will find a short description of the cause of the failure in this tab. You can also use Delete to remove the job from the list.
will redirect you to
User guide which will take you to Intel® Geti™ platform documentation.
Learn - which will take you to the video tutorials screen.
About - which will take you to the About screen.
Reset help dialogs - which will activate the help dialogs again.
will take you to the User screen with following options:
Profile which will take you to the Profile screen.
Sign out which will log you out of the platform.
Project Creation#
To create a project, click on the Create new project button located on the right of the Projects dashboard.
You will then be prompted to:
Enter a project name
Choose a template
Create labels for the project (this step is skipped for the Anomaly Classification project type - see the note below)
When creating an Anomaly project, you do not have to create labels. Instead, in the Media screen, you will see 2 buckets: first bucket for normal images and videos, the second bucket for anomalous images and videos. When uploading media to each bucket, the “normal” and “anomalous” labels will be applied automatically to the images and videos in the respective buckets.
We provide the following templates for computer vision tasks Intel® Geti™ supports
Classification includes Classification single label, Classification multi label, Classification hierarchical
Detection includes Detection bounding box, Detection oriented
Segmentation includes Instance Segmentation, Semantic Segmentation
Anomaly includes Anomaly Classification, Anomaly Detection, Anomaly Segmentation
Chained tasks includes Detection –> Classification, Detection –> Segmentation
Labels Creation#
Your project is not created until you complete this step. Labels are pieces of information you assign to your inputs. In other words, you will use a label to teach a machine a concept e.g. if you want to teach the machine how to classify a dog and a cat, you will need two labels “dog” and “cat”.
Each project in the Intel® Geti™ platform has a template for types of computer vision tasks where the structure of labels is preselected based on the type of task you will choose. To learn more about managing labels, head over to the Labels Management page.
You can select a color for your label by clicking on the color box next to the label field. After typing, the name of your label you can press Enter or click on to add the label.
Once you added your labels, press Create to create the new project.
Project Settings#
You can access the Settings dialog box by clicking on the Settings icon . In this part of the UI, you can toggle on/off:
Annotation - which will hide the annotation panel
Counting - which will count how many annotations were made for a particular label (set by default)
Auto training switcher#
When creating projects, the auto training option is enabled by default. However, you can disable this option by clicking on this icon from the header of the screen in each project panel or the annotator screen.