Project Score#

Project Score Definition#

The “Project Score” is a universal metric that offers a quick overview of the status of a project and its models. Specifically, it is computed as the performance of the active model on the test subset; in multi-task environments (“chained tasks” in the Intel Geti platform), the score is obtained by aggregating the active models of each task.

Metric Specificity per Task Type#

Different task types require distinct evaluation metrics due to the unique nature of each task:

  • Classification: The metric of choice is “Accuracy”, which measures the proportion of correct predictions made by the model.

  • Detection:F-measure” (also known as F1-score) is used, combining precision and recall to provide a balanced view of model performance.

  • Segmentation: The “Dice Score” is employed, assessing the overlap between predicted and actual objects to gauge accuracy.

Usage Considerations#

Given the variability in evaluation metrics, the “Project Score” should be interpreted as an indicative rather than an absolute measure. This approach ensures that the score not only provides a snapshot of model performance but also acknowledges the varying scales and implications associated with different metric outcomes.