
  1. If you encounter the error ‘Due to the dpkg being busy it’s impossible to finish the installation’, stop your system update and then, rerun the installer.

  2. If you exceed the ‘low space’ warning threshold, run the following command to remove some temporary files:

    rm /data-xfs/ie_storage/imports/*
  3. If uninstallation of the k3s based deployment fails, you can remove it by uninstalling k3s and removing data folder contents:

    sudo /usr/local/bin/
    sudo rm -fr /<data_folder>/*
  4. If after an upgrade you notice issues with starting training or inference tasks - please check if on the server there are no pods in “Pending”, “ImagePullBackOff” or “ErrImagePull” state with a name starting with “inf-job-inference-crd-…”. List of pods can be taken with the following command:

    kubectl get pods -n impt | grep inf-job-inference-crd

    If there is a lot of such pods - please delete them one by one using the following command:

    kubectl delete pod -n impt <pod_name>
  5. If, in rare cases, your installation or upgrade fails with apt-get related errors found in the ansible.log, ensure apt-get is configured properly, run:

    sudo apt-get update

    and rerun platform_installer.

  6. If a user forgets his/her password on an instance that does not have an SMPT (mail) server configured, run the script from the installation package to generate a new password for the user.

  7. If the user inadvertently uninstalls k3s, it is not required to execute any Intel® Geti™ uninstallation. The only action needed is the deletion of the data folder. The platform does not retain any data beyond k3s and the data folder.

  8. If your installation fails at the ansible step, check the platform_logs/ansible.log. If you find errors related to the task: [utils/apt/install : Install Package] with a message msg: <class 'apt_pkg.Cache> returned a result with an error set and the following error message [...] The error was: 'dict object' has no attribute 'stderr', follow the steps below.

    1. Run the command locale to check the current locale settings



      If the output shows variable set .UTF-8, the issue lies elsewhere.

    2. Install language package (example for German):

      apt-get install language-pack-de -y
    3. (Optional) Back up your current locale file

      cp /etc/default/locale /etc/default/locale.bak
    4. Reconfigure your locale settings by running:

      dpkg-reconfigure locales
      • Select desired language with .UTF-8 suffix using Space, then press Enter

      • Choose your default locale with .UTF-8 ending

    5. Set language for all users in /etc/profile or preferably create script /etc/profile.d/ This is an alternative to setting the language in ~/.profile separately for each user. (Use previously selected language in place of: <lang>)

    6. Open a new terminal session and verify that the locale settings have been updated by running:

  9. To investigate problems during the installation, the following logs are available:




Installation, gathering data, executing external tools


Installation of k3s


Uninstallation of k3s


Platform installation/upgrade/uninstallation